Tuesday 17 February 2009

Training Strategy

Staff feedback suggests that Summer and Easter are the best times for formal training sessions. Just in time training is both increasingly popular, and successful in getting staff to use the technology successfully in thier teaching. The Faculty Learning Technolgists are providing a great service in that regard.
  • Some training naturally lends itself to the summer, particularly "Redesigning your courses" and "Authoring Online Tutorials".
  • Others are more assessment driven "Preventing Plagiarism" and "Tests and Quizzes" and can take place later in the term.
  • Blogs, wikis and podcasting can be helpful at various times throughout the year.
  • For the summer of 2009, the move to BB 9 is key.
  • one to one sessions are useful cover for periods when there may not be enough availability to put on full workshops.
  • The plan needs to incorporate focus groups and previews at Easter and conversion courses in the summer.
  • We need to establish an approach to providing appropriate training in Stockton. At present, we do not have mechanisms for establishing need and availability for what is a more limited audience. Regular survey or doodle lists may determin interest at Queens so that we can target training appropriately.

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